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Air-pollution kills more than 8.5 million people every year!

A study from European Heart Journal, estimates more than 8.5 million “excess deaths” from ambient air pollution (790'000 in Europe). Exposure to air pollution is a bigger killer worldwide than smoking.

Stop killing people by using dirty energy and take care the climate change! Start using fossil- and pollution-free alternatives!


We're strongly working on a fossil-free future, in which our children and all the people together can live in peace and respect of each other while avoiding environmental impact.
METHANOLOGY - «MY» in short - is a young and independent Swiss cleantech and engineering company based in Schaffhausen, founded by a group of scientists and engineers, who aim to introduce a sustainable and efficient energy solution, helping to reduce the fossil energy by producing renewable methanol as the ENERGY-POWER-LIQUID OF THE FUTURE for all kind of applications. Methanol is a well known non-drinkable alcohol, but also a very powerful hydrogen-based liquid, which contains double the hydrogen energy in 1 litre compared to compressed pure hydrogen in a one-litre gas bottle!

The successful journey of the willpower energy® technology initially started at a spin-off company from the University of Rostock in Germany and has been transferred to Switzerland to develop revolutionary environmental solutions together with the local cleantech cluster here. The willpower energy® system is the world's first system, everybody will be able to produce its own clean energy liquid. This technology will allow you to fulfill your dream of living a CO2-neutral energy autarkic life. When it comes to the clean and sustainable energy supply, cost efficiency and real economic factors for using renewable energy is better than any restrictions by law. Become a part of a global fossil-free future and support the «MY»-project as an environmental pioneer.

Have a look at our short explanation video, how the willpower energy® system can help you and thousands of families, communities, farms and companies worldwide, storing their own solar- and wind energy in a climate-friendly way and producing their fossil-free fuel in the future.

Our revolutionary willpower energy® technology is a green-tec awards winner!

The willpower energy® system

The willpower energy® system empowers everybody to produce his fuel at home from surrounding resources: the atmospheric CO2, water and renewable electricity. The core system is a patent-protected electro-biocatalytic technology to convert CO2 into renewable methanol. The clean and easy-to-handle energy liquid methanol can be stored and used for all kinds of heating applications, for electricity generation or even to power a methanol engine or gas-turbine. The CO2 can be also re-captured continuously from the conversion processes while using the renewable methanol (CO2-neutral cycle).

Learn more about the technology


What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.

BUDDHA, around 500 BC

To change our environmental behavior, we first have to optimize our thinking and emotional conditioning and cultivate these new thinking processes. Our beliefs determine our world of thoughts, which in turn influence our outer and inner perceptions, our analytically working conscious mind, as well as our unconsciously emotional thinking processes. Our own neuronal networks and thinking processes ultimately determine our behavior, towards ourselves, our fellow human beings and towards our eco-systems.

And because this knowledge and behavioral competence is of central importance, we also organize targeted mental training and re-thinking workshops for engineers, economists and interested people, which will reach an expanded perception of our environment and a focused analytical and emotional thinking as well. Comprehensive problems can only lead to solutions when viewed holistically.

There is no Planet B
We must take over responsibility for what we do and don't do!

MIKE BERNERS-LEE, Researcher, Professor and Fellow of the Institute for Social Futures at Lancaster University

Eco-development refers to development at regional and local levels, consistent with the potentials of the area involved, with attention given to the adequate and rational use of natural resources, technological styles and organizational forms that respect the natural ecosystems and local social and cultural patterns. For every system engineer it's crucial to understand these sustainable rules and follow an integrated approach to environment and development.

With a holistic analysis and thinking approach, we follow the requirements of the most diverse stakeholders, especially those who do not have their own voice, such as our nature and environment, to take them into account and integrate them into all our engineering processes. That is why our fossil-free energy supply concept is based on a decentralized, energy-saving and balanced approach, for the optimal consideration of local interests.

...We know that if climate change is not stopped, all parts of the world will suffer. Some will even be destroyed, and we know the solution – sustainable development & engineering.

Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, World Summit on Sustainable Development (2005)

Sustainable engineering is a process of designing or operating systems, that they use energy and resources in a sustainable way. In other words, it shall not compromise the natural environment, or the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Every engineering discipline is engaged in sustainable design, employing numerous initiatives, especially life cycle analysis (LCA), pollution prevention, design for the environment (DfE), design for disassembly (DfD), and design for recycling (DfR).

We at METHANOLOGY taking care all of the aspects of sustainable engineering when we start a new project and do a holistic requirement analysis covering the full life cycle. That's also why we're using only materials which are available in large quantities and do not come from questionable sources or mining areas. Most of the materials used in a willpower energy® plant will be reusable with less environmental impact.

If you don't choose to re-use, our planet will definitely lose!

Gerhard T. Meier, Co-Founder of METHANOLOGY

From a linear to a circular economy, based on recycling, where materials and resources are reused. To ensure that in our future there are enough raw materials for food, shelter, energy and other necessities, our global economies must become circular! That means preventing waste by making products and materials more efficiently, durable and reusing them. No room for "planned obsolescence designs"!

Our willpower energy® system will be consistently developed for sustainability and longevity. We strive to design all components for a wide variety of application scenarios and environmental conditions with the required robustness. The reactor core module can be exchanged by the user and recycled for a new enzyme assembly. This will enable a long application time and extend lifecycle to its maximum.


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+41 52 558 48 00
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Gewerbestrasse 8
CH-8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall
(Schaffhausen, Switzerland)